“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Theresa.
All of us want to do something great to show our love for other people. Many times, I have been discouraged because I am not doing more great things with my life, because I am not achieving more or doing more for other. Hear me out: I am not saying that it is a bad thing to want to become a better person and to aspire to do greater things to change your community – and maybe even the world! On the contrary, it is a noble cause. What I am saying, however, is that we must remember that, most of the time, great changes really starts by doing the things that are often overlooked because they are so small. It is the intensity of love, faithfulness, and excellence that we put into our everyday lives that will make a mark on the world and in the lives of others. It is not the magnitude of our actions that counts but the depth of love we put into them.
I just want to encourage you to be faithful in the little things. Maybe it is by giving your very best everyday at work and doing things in excellence even when you don’t see a promotion coming, or by showing kindness to someone through a smile, a simple word of encouragement, or by listening more.
The best reminder of this is found in the Bible:
“Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much.” – Matthew 25:21
So, do the small things with great love, and when you get discouraged, remember: God will not forget you! I know I have to constantly remind myself of that truth 🙂
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