2012 is here!! I hope you all had a safe and fun New Years. On our 2.5-hour drive back from an amazing weekend spent with family I had a bit of time to reflect on the upcoming year. I have always been one for making resolutions and setting some pretty ambitious goals. This year, instead of coming up with resolutions, I picked one word to represent 2012 and that word is growth.

2012 will be the year I grow. There are many aspects in my life I want growth. I want to grow personally and become a better me, I want to grow spiritually and I want to grow A&P Designs. In 2012 I will…

Experience spiritual growth. I have always been a faith loving Christian but never really listened. Last year I listened and wow. This year I want to continue to grow in my spirituality.

Encourage & set time for creative growth. Being a creative person and a designer I continuously see inspiration everywhere I go and I am always coming up with new ideas of things I want to try. This year, I want to spend one day each week solely dedicated to creative growth. Whether it’s a new style of watercolor painting or attending a new gallery exhibit or exploring a new part of the city for inspiration.

Continue to grow A&P Designs into a business that is full of love, passion and purpose. I could go on and on about all of my goals and ideas for A&P Designs but ultimately I want every step we take and every decision we make grounded by love, passion and purpose.

Reflect on my personal growth every day. I admit that I often get too busy with life. I am a do it all, be it all, and have it all kind of gal. I am usually going in about 20 different directions and my life is a constant balancing act. And honestly, I love being that way. I actually flourish when I have a lot on my plate. But I find myself always focusing on the end result and not stopping to enjoy the journey. Life is a journey, plain and simple. If I focus on the end result, I will miss the little things in life that mean so much. In 2012, I will stop and make time each day to reflect on the day and enjoy every moment.

This may sound silly but I truly believe we were put on this earth to do something great. To be our greatest, best self. I am still not sure what my “great” thing is but I will find it. I am ready to grow into those big girl entrepreneurial, spiritual, stationer, printer, wifey shoes that I was put on this earth to wear! 2012 I am ready to grow!

A&P Designs is official.. we are just waiting on the finishing touches of our website (it is still growing). The new website will be up in the next couple days. Please check back soon as we unveil our new logo and look. Can’t wait to show it to you!! You can now reach me on my new email [email protected].

I hope you will follow along with us on my journey and how I experience growth in 2012. I would love to hear what your resolutions or mantra for 2012 is.