“The beginning is always today”…what a simple yet profound quote! It is a great reminder that although we can’t change our past or control our future, the present is the only opportunity given to us to make life-changing decisions. Today is the best day to start making your dreams a reality. Today is the best day to start living a meaningful life. The decisions you make in the present moment are the starting points of changing the direction of your life. In this present moment, you and I have a choice to change the old and start something new.
Every time life’s troubles pull me down, this beautiful verse is a constant reminder that every day is a gift and a chance to try again:
“ The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;
His mercies never come to an end;
they are new every morning;
great is Your faithfulness.”
I think this Bible verse is one of the main reasons why I love mornings! Even though yesterday can’t be changed and tomorrow is full of uncertainty, I have hope and reassurance that every day is a day of new beginnings.
Make this week count! Start today!
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Awesome quote 👏